Sabtu, 10 Ogos 2013

Revival of Fire and Rescue cadet camp

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Fire and Rescue cadets during the skill competition held during the closing ceremony of the Fire and Rescue Camp. 
Pictures: BT/Syazwan Sadikin
THE Ministry of Education and Fire and Rescue Department worked together and revived the biennial Fire and Rescue Cadet camp for youths. It aimed at bringing together the Fire and Rescue cadets while providing background on Fire and Rescue and gaining experience and discipline.

The closing ceremony was held today for the cadets after completing a four-day annual camping activity.

Twenty-five Fire and Rescue cadets nationwide and eight cadet supervisors participated in the camping activity held at the Berakas Forest Reserve.

Director of Fire and Rescue Department, Yahya Hj Abd Rahman and acting director of Co-Curriculum Department, Pg Suhaili Pg Hj Bakar attended the closing ceremony yesterday as guests of honor.

A skill competition was held in conjunction with the closing ceremony, it saw three teams from the secondary schools competing each other for the fastest time in setting up the fire hose to be used to hit a target.

During the ceremony, Camp Commandant, Hj Muhamad Khairul Azizul Hj A Zaini and a representative from the camp, Siti Khadijah Hj Mohammad from Rimba Primary School delivered their speech.

Both guests of honors presented the prizes to the winners of the skill competition.

Hj Muhamad Khairul Azizul said that with the revival of the Fire and Rescue Cadet camp, he hoped that this event will be held biennially. This can unite all of the Fire and Rescue cadets that have been established in secondary schools, while also providing knowledge on Fire and Rescue and gaining experience and discipline through the programme.

He further hoped that in the years to come, the camping programme will continue to receive encouraging support from schools as it is in accordance to the needs and roles of a Fire and Rescue Cadet.

Siti Khadijah said that during the camping course, they gained experiences and beneficial knowledge which they will never forget.

Activities such as the flying fox, leadership work and skill competition have encouraged them to be more courageous, disiciplined, dedicated and better at interacting with one another and be more aware of their surroundings.

Aside from the rigorous activities, attending a subuh lecture, motivational talks and carrying out community service also taught them to be more aware of their responsibilities as youth of the country.

"I urge our camping friends to share your experiences when you return to school and bring hope that more Fire and Rescue cadets will join this camping activity in the future ," said Siti Khadijah

During the camp, participants were also exposed to activities which cover aspects of spirituality, physical activities, community services and charitable works.

Campers also attended dawn lectures which was delivered by assistant lecturer at the Usuluddin faculty, Ustaz Azman Hj Kassim and a motivational talk delivered by an entrepreneur and vice president of the Woman Business Council, Norhayati Abu Bakar.

The closing ceremony concluded with a group photo and a thanksgiving prayer led by religious teacher from the Fire and Rescue Unit, Ustaz Mohd Rosman Hj Bara.

The last Fire and Rescue Cadet camp was held at Sg Tali, Kuala Belait in 1979. The camp was recently revived with the help of the Co-curriculum Department and the Fire and Rescue Department.

The Brunei Times