Isnin, 23 Mei 2016

KUPU SB students complete Fire and Rescue course

Thursday, March 12, 2015
A TOTAL of 61 undergraduates were awarded certificates after completing a three-month Fire and Rescue Cadet Basic Course as part of Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College’s (KUPU SB) compulsory co-curricular programme.

During the event held at KUPU SB’s gymnasium, Assistant Lecturer Md Amirol Abd Rahim told the participants that such co-curricular activities can help them open up new career pathways.

He explained that there is a misconception among the public that KUPU SB graduates were limited to teaching after they graduate but this is not the case.

“You can become religious officers in other government department such as the Fire and Rescue Department,” said Md Amirol, adding that the programme would equip students with fundamental skills in life.

One of the recipients, Md Zul Rafiuddin Talip said that he learned useful tips on how to extinguish fire and other safety basic skills.

The 22-year-old gave an example of how one should deal with electrical faults that catches on fire.
“The best solution is to throw sand as opposed to pouring water on the fire,” said the second year student.

Another second year student, Nur Husnina Hj Manan, said the course helped her build on her endurance and patience as it involved hours of marching under the sun.

“I become more disciplined in listening to orders from our leaders,” she said.

KUPU SB students pose for a photo after receiving their certificates yesterday for completing a three-month Fire and Rescue Cadet Basic Course. BT/ Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun  

The ceremony was witnessed by Commandant of the Fire and Rescue Training Centre Superintendent Abd Sufriyan Hj Abd Hamid and KUPU SB Assistant Ra’es Dr Abang Hadzmin Abang Hj Taha.- Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun

The Brunei Times