Sabtu, 27 Julai 2013

Kupu SB displays of CCA come to a close

Koo Jin Shen

Sunday, April 24, 2011
STUDENTS from the Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (Kupu SB) concluded the two-day display of their co-curricular activities yesterday.

The closing ceremony was highlighted by marching drills by the Red Crescent and Fire and Rescue cadets, followed by a series of performances by the various co-curriculum groups to display what they have learned through participation.

The Fire and Rescue cadets demonstrated how to handle a fire hose and extinguishers, student volunteers from the Red Crescent displayed various first aid techniques while the volunteers Kupu SB produced a play to emphasise the importance of charity and prayer.

Watching the demonstrations was the guest of honour, Dr Ustazah Hjh Masnon Hj Ibrahim, Raes of Kupu SB.

As the events celebrating the conclusion of co-curricular activities for the semester came to a close, Kupu SB students, who aim to one day become religious teachers, spoke to The Brunei Times about how the activities impact them and the importance of the skills they have learned as future teachers.

Hj Mohd Jaya Hj Metussin, First Year Student at Kupu SB, who is also a teacher-in-service trainee said that his time spent doing co-curricular activities as a Fire and Rescue cadet would be helpful in the case of a fire that happens in school. "With the skills we have learned, it could help keep a small fire under control until the authorities come to deal with it," he said. He also said that they have learned various aspects of safety that would be useful to have and practice.

"When I return to being a teacher, I would also encourage my students to take part in co-curricular activities," he said, especially activities such as being Bomba cadets or any other activities in uniform.

"The uniforms teach you discipline, which is something I have learned," he said, also stating that it was something he was proud to be part of.

Noraseykin Raya, a Red Crescent volunteer, said that the skills gained during her training as a member of a Red Crescent were difficult, but enjoyable.

"I joined because I wanted to do first aid," she said.

She said the skills she learned would be useful in emergency situations in schools, and she would be able to help students if they had injuries.

Siti Salwa Hj Jakir, member of the volunteering group and a first-year student at Kupu SB was proud to be part of the Kupu SB's volunteer. Like other co-curricular groups, she highlighted the teamwork and bonds of friendships they formed.

"We have also made friends with the people we had helped," she said.

She and other volunteers of Kupu SB had set aside every Saturday for volunteer work, and have joined cleaning campaigns and even helped out farmers to harvest padi. "It's a good experience, and I would definitely try to encourage students to take part." The Brunei Times 

Kupu SB students get active in CCA

Rasidah HAB

Saturday, April 23, 2011
THE Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (Kupu SB) intends to focus not only on providing its students with religious knowledge to equip them for their teaching career, but also other skills, Kupu SB co-curriculum coordinator said yesterday.

In an interview at the opening of a two-day event to mark the end of the university college's co-curriculum activities for this semester, Hj Roslan said that in the future religious teachers will not only know how to teach religious subjects but also possess skills in different areas.

Kupu SB has four co-curriculum activities: Fire & Rescue Cadets, Red Crescent Society, volunteers and religious group.

There are reasons behind for the establishment of Fire & Rescue cadets, Red Crescent Society, he said.

Hj Roslan said with these skills they could provide aid if anything were to happen in the schools they teach, while waiting for the assistance to arrive.

"This is the uniqueness of Kupu SB, the fact that it does not only emphasise on uniform groups or volunteers, but the religious aspects as well," he said.

"They (members of the religious group) are expose on how to deliver religious talks, tazkirah, sermons, acting as bilal and imam.

Plans are also in the works to add more activities under the group such as Islamic medicine and Jawi khat (calligraphy).

The co-curriculum activities are organised every semester, and in 2009, the activities were incorporated in the students' academic syllabus where they could gain points or credits for their participation.

"Previously, the end of semester co-curriculum activities were only organised internally. This year, we decided to bring it to the public," he said.

"We want to tell the public that we also have our own cadets and associations that are at par with other universities."

Hj Roslan said Kupu SB will continue to organise co-curriculum activities to equip their students with these skills.

The event also saw the exhibitions by Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) and Islamic Da'wah Centre.

Kupu SB students checking out some of the books being exhibited at their co-curriculum activities during the first day of their event. Picture: BT/Rasidah HAB 
Kupu SB Deputy Ra'es, Dr Hj Abdullah Hj Lampoh launched the event.

The closing ceremony, which will feature march parade from the uniformed associations will be held this afternoon. The Brunei Times 

KUPUSB fetes Fire and Rescue cadets

By Afelda Ghani

Male and female members of the Fire and Rescue cadets from Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPUSB) took part in a march past yesterday during an official co-curriculum ceremony held at KUPUSB.

Each member received a certificate of appreciation presented by Ustazah Hajah Zaliha Hj Ibrahim, Acting Assistant Rector of KUPUSB, who during the ceremony, pointed out the importance of KUPUSB members' involvement in co-curriculum activities.

"It is through such activities that experiential learning can be achieved which in turn motivates us to be more caring and inspires a sense of empathy.

"When these people (cadets) are involved in cadet training, they will be able to get a second hand experience of the hardship some families have to go through.

"In addition, they will undergo physical and mental challenges. All these cannot be acquired in a lecture theatre," she asserted.

For two days starting yesterday, KUPUSB is organising an exhibition during which various publications such as those by KUPUSB, the mosque department, the syariah department and the State Mufti's Office, will be available for viewing.

- Borneo Bulletin. Published on Thursday Apr, 29 2010.

KUPUSB's first squad of firefighters

Ubaidillah Masli

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Pg Hj Bahrom (R) during the formation of the KUPUSB Fire and Rescue Cadet Team. Picture: BT/Ubaidillah Masli 
THE Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (KUPUSB) yesterday formed their very own squad of cadet firefighters in a move to nurture students of the university college into becoming responsible citizens and prepare them to have a more effective role in society.

Speaking during the inauguration of the Fire and Rescue Cadet Team at KUPUSB, the director of the institution's Fundamental Knowledge Centre said that the formation of the squad of uniformed volunteers will give students the exposure, skills and experience they need to become better human beings that benefit their community.

According to the director, 60 students (29 males and 31 females) are in the squad, with three supervisors who are officers and lecturers at KUPUSB. He said that the students will receive one credit under the centre for their participation in this co-curricular activity.

Meanwhile, the guest of honour who officiated the inauguration, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Pg Hj Bahrom Pg Hj Bahar, said that co-curricular activities would add value to students' learning while they were pursuing higher education at university level.

"Apart from adding knowledge, the involvement of undergraduates in co-curricular programmes will train them to become responsible citizens and instil the attitude of being concerned about their community, whether on or off campus," he said in his remarks.

He said the formation of the cadet squad would also birth religious teachers who possess holistic characteristics. The deputy permanent secretary reminded the students that their success depended wholly on their commitment to their studies and their cooperation with their facilitators and lecturers.

"All the experience and skills that each undergraduate obtains through this course will not only be useful to oneself, but is also valuable to the school population, village community, the community in general and thus, will be largely beneficial as a valuable asset to the nation," Pg Hj Bahrom said.
The cadet volunteers have been trained by personnel from the Fire and Rescue Department and will assist the firefighters in operations during the volunteers' free time outside of lecture hours, according to KUPUSB staff.

The Brunei Times 

54 fire rescue, support personnel complete training

Ben Ng

Monday, July 9, 2007

FIFTY-FOUR personnel and cadets of the Fire and Rescue Department received their certificates yesterday after completing a three-month course.

The ceremony held at the Lambak Kanan Fire and Rescue Training Centre was attended by Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad Pengiran Hj Abd Rahman, Deputy Minister of Education. In his speech the deputy minister congratulated participants for their successful completion of the course that saw them learn the basic fire and rescue procedures.

He also expressed hope that the newly trained cadets will succeed and excel in performing their duties in giving assistance to members of the fire and rescue department.

An official of the Fire and Rescue Department said that these fire and rescue personnel "would not enter burning buildings, but rather focus on providing support for the firemen".

The 54 fire and rescue personnel made up of 16 officers of the fire and rescue department, and 38 cadets from a number of secondary schools.

During the three-month long course the officers were trained three times a week while the cadets trained once a week.

At the function the guests were entertained to a 23-man marching band and a demonstration on rescue and fire extinguishing tactics and procedures.

The Brunei Times

13 teachers trained as fire rescue cadet officers

Anna Abu Bakar
Friday, July 6, 2007

THIRTEEN teachers from different schools were awarded in a presentation of honourary ranks to Instructors of Fire Services and Rescue Cadets by the guest of honour, Senior Superintendent Hj Tengah, who is also the acting assistant director for Planning, Training and Manpower Planning.

One of the cadets, Siti Nursalbiah Muhammad Irwan, who is also an English teacher at the Sayyidina Hasan Secondary School, said that she did not expect to be chosen in the programme and considered it as a proud achievement.

She seemed very excited to be awarded with the honourary rank and considered herself grateful to being given the privilege and opportunity.

She also commented that the training was gruelling, tiring and hot yet extremely challenging for both mind and body.

She also considered completing the training an accomplishment in itself and hopes to be promoted up the ranks in the future.

She stated that she learnt a lot from the training and chalks it all up to good experience.

Among some of the training that they underwent were marching and drill routines as well as other fire-fighting techniques but hopes that the breathing apparatus practicals will be put to good use during fire drills in schools as such.

Meanwhile another cadet, Aida Azlina Hj Mohd Alias, from the Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School said she was very happy and "lucky".

When The Brunei Times queried why she felt lucky, she stated that she considered herself lucky to gain the opportunity to be chosen as a representative.

The programme is a part of a CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) Programme which is under the Ministry of Education.

The programme allows the faculty to learn basic procedures in case a fire should occur at the school grounds.

According to Aida, the objective was "to make students aware of discipline and basic fire safety precautions within the school grounds".

The event was held at the Fire and Rescue Training Centre at Lambak Kanan.

The Brunei Times 

Pasukan Kadet Bomba Dan Penyelamat diwujudkan semula

Oleh Azmerul Haji Haris

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin – Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri bersama Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Kementerian Pendidikan hari ini bekerjasama untuk mewujudkan semula Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat di kalangan pelajar sekolah dan maktab.

Sehubungan itu, Majlis Perasmian Kursus Bagi Guru Pengawas Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat diadakan hari ini di Pusat Latihan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Lambak Kanan.

Pada peringkat permulaan seramai 22 guru dari sekolah menengah Daerah Brunei dan Muara mengikuti kursus berkenaan selama sebulan di pusat berkenaan.

Kursus itu meliputi dua aspek utama iaitu teori dan juga praktikal kebombaan termasuk aspek pengurusan, akta, kebakaran, menyelamat, kawad kebombaan, ikatan tali dan pembersihan kimia.

Yang hadir bagi merasmikan kursus berkenaan ialah Pemangku Pengarah Bomba dan Penyelamat, Pengiran Haji Mohd Daud bin Pengiran Haji Mohammad.

Menurutnya, Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat mula ditubuhkan pada 1 Oktober 1979 dengan obkeltifnya untuk menjadikan bidang kebombaan sebagai bidang kerjaya bagi pelajar pada masa akan datang.
Pengiran Haji Mohd Daud menyampaikan ucapan

Tambah beliau lagi, penubuhan semula Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat pada hari ini selain untuk menyebarluaskan pasukan beruniform adalah untuk menanamkan kesedaran awal kepada anak muda mengenai bahaya kebakaran serta langkah pencegahannya.

Bermula pada tahun 1979, terdapat 10 sekolah menengah dan maktab terlibat dalam Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat dengan jumlah 100 ahli bersama 10 orang pengawas sebelum terhenti pada tahun 1982.

Pada masa ini sebanyak lima pasukan beruniform bergiat aktif di kalangan warga sekolah dan juga maktab termasuk Pasukan Kadet Tentera, Pasukan Kadet Polis, Pasukan Pengakap, Pasukan Pandu Puteri dan Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah.

Penubuhan Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat akan menambahkan lagi bilangan pasukan beruniform di negara ini dan guru pengawas yang mengikuti kursus dan Berjaya menjadi pengawas akan bertanggungjawab untuk menubuhkan serta melatih Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat di kalangan warga sekolah dan maktab.
 Antara guru-guru yang menyertai kursus itu.

- Media Permata – Selasa 3 April 2007.

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